Prosthetic Dentistry
Missing teeth can lead to oral malfunction and thus can affect one's digestion and well-being. Adjacent teeth might migrate or tip into these gaps and impair a proper oral function even more. Needless to say that missing teeth are quite unsightly and sometimes even disfiguring. Luckily, in most cases there are a number of options to choose from when replacing missing teeth. We will be glad to advice you on these treatment options and to guide you through the decision making process.
Dr. Willi received a post graduate training in prosthetic dentistry at “Kantonale Volkszahnklinik Zürich” from 1988 to 1990.
Since April 2010 we operate with the Intraoral Scanner from 3M/Espe. About the size of an electric toothbrush, the Lava C.O.S. wand is designed to glide comfortably over your teeth while capturing continuous 3 D-video images. In many cases this procedure will now replace the uncomfortable traditional impression with putty materials.