Eidg. dipl. Zahnarzt SSO | Praxis Dres. med. dent. Kasper | Seidenstrasse 6 | 8853 Lachen | Telefon 055 442 74 33


What entails the "Schulbon" that your child receives each year?
Is there a chance a toothache disappears on its own ?
Is it normal that a tooth becomes sensitive after having been filled ?
How do I behave after oral surgery or a tooth extraction ?
What can I do to stop (postoperative) bleeding ?
What happens to the gold and other precious alloys in removed crown and bridgework or extracted teeth ?
Can I contract Aids while undergoing treatment in a dentist’s chair?



what entails the "Schulbon" that your child receives each year? 

It includes an annual dental check up and if necessary, a summarized treatment suggestion inclusive a treamtment cost estimate.

What does it not include? It does not entitle to a detailled presentation of your child's oral symptoms, treatment options and expected future developments. We are happy to give you all these answers but will take the liberty to charge the extra time. Thank you for understanding.

Is there a chance a toothache disappears on its own ?

  • Please do not take any chances. Do not try to manage a toothache by taking pain killer tablets for a prolonged period. Most pain killers affect your blood clotting capacity in a negative way and hence will complicate the situation.
  • Please try to contact us early in the day. We feel commited to offer you an appointment on the same day; you calling us early makes this commitment much easier.
  • Please avoid taking pain killer shortly before the scheduled appointment. Due to their working your reactions to some diagnostic tests are altered which can jeopardize a proper diagnosis.


Is it normal that a tooth becomes sensitive after having been filled ?

Yes. Even though all care is taken it can happen that the newly filled tooth is sensitive when in contact with anything cold; a cold drink, cold air, something out of the fridge. This symptom will gradually disappear, but can last up to 3 month.
If acute pain is experienced when drinking/eating something hot, then additional treatment is required. Pain when chewing probably only requires a minor adjustment. Feel free to telephone the practice and make an appointment.


How do I behave after oral surgery or a tooth extraction ?

  • If possible arrange to be brought and picked up from the practice after surgery.
  • Please do not eat or drink anything hot while still numb. You risk biting or burning your cheek/lips and thus injuring yourself if you do.
  • In order to stop bleeding and temporarily protect the wound please bite on a gauze (or a used teabag) for about 15 minutes.
  • To prevent postoperative swelling we advise that you apply an ice pack on your face on the affected area. Please make sure that the cold pack is not directly touching your skin. Wrap it in a wet flannel first.
  • Do not smoke within the first 24 hours.
  • Please refrain from drinking alcohol or drinks that contain caffeine.
  • Do not lie down flat within the first few hours but remain quiet in an upright position.
  • Please avoid any strenuous activity within the first few days including working out at the gym. Stay away from a dusty environment.
  • Clean your teeth as usual taking great care around the area that has been operated on. The Chlorhexidine mouth wash that we hand out will help to disinfect that area. Rinse once or twice a day bathing the area for 60 seconds.
  • Comply with your medical prescription.
  • You may observe an increased soft swelling of your face on the third day after surgery. That is normal.
  • Full mouth opening may be impaired during the first week.
  • Please contact us immediately if any of the following symptoms exist:
    • The numbness due to the local anaesthesia persists for longer than 6 hours.
    • If severe bleeding sets in some hours postoperatively (and can not be stopped with the recommended procedure as described below).
    • If acute pain persist or sets in on the following day.
    • If a hard and painfull swelling persist for more than four days.


What can I do to stop (postoperative) bleeding ?

  • Please do not panic. Postoperative bleeding is not unusual and can be managed by the following protocol.
  • Whenever possible stop taking pain killers. Make a knot into a clean hankerchief or even better take one or two sterile gauzes, place them on the wound and apply some pressure by biting on it for about 30 minutes.
  • Remain in an upright position. Do not lie down.
  • After 30 minutes remove the gauze. Do not wash your mouth, just spit out.
  • If bleeding has not fully stopped, repeat the procedure.
  • Please contact us if a second attempt fails.


What happens to the gold and other precious alloys in removed crown and bridgework or extracted teeth ?

The gold belongs to you. But whenever asked whether patients want to take it home they gracefully decline. We are happy to donate it to a charity, the Swiss Red Cross who use the proceeds for some humanitarian relief projects. There is a leaflet in our waiting room that explains this to you.


Can I contract Aids while undergoing treatment in a dentist’s chair?

No. The maintenance of equipment, sterilisation of instruments and immaculate hygienic procedures are a priority. We use the newest technology in sterilizers and hygiene equipment. All sterilisation procedures follow acknowledged medical guidelines, are supervised and scrupulously well controlled. All treatment protocols have been analysed and optimised from a hygienic point of view. We can assure you that we have taken all measures known to medical science to make it impossible for you to contract any infectious disease from any form of treatment in our office.


Contact us by telephone
055 442 74 33

Monday - Friday
08.00 - 12.00 / 13.30 - 17.00 h