Eidg. dipl. Zahnarzt SSO | Praxis Dres. med. dent. Kasper | Seidenstrasse 6 | 8853 Lachen | Telefon 055 442 74 33

Quality Label SSO

Dr. Juerg Willi is a member of the Swiss Dental Association SSO and abides by the following charter:

- Our patient’s oral health and integrity is our first priority.
- Our continuous education exceeds 80 hours p.a. to ensure that professional expertise and skills are kept up to date.
- We accept personal liability towards all patients of our practice.
- Treatment plans are based on the patient’s needs and means.
- Our patients will be informed about different treatment options and their financial implications prior to the start of treatment.
- Our patients are entitled to an itemised bill.
- In case of disagreement we will submit to an investigation by a SSO Jury (Zahnärztliche Begutachtungskommission).

Contact us by telephone
055 442 74 33

Monday - Friday
08.00 - 12.00 / 13.30 - 17.00 h