Dental Hygiene, Preventive Dentistry
The human body is one interactive, interdependent, biological organism. Oral health and general health are related in many ways. There is sufficient evidence to prove that bad oral health and poor oral hygiene contributes towards cardiac and circulatory diseases, rheumatism, apoplexy, complications during pregnancy and more. Vice versa, can good oral health enhance systemic health? Yes, it can. We think there is enough evidence to suggest it does. We feel compelled to say: “a healthy smile promotes a healthy heart“.
Regular appointments with the Dental Hygienist or the Prophylaxis Nurse may well be considered a means to promote your general well being.
Furthermore you will feel refreshed, clean and presentable. There is a good chance that we can offer some helpful advice on how to improve your own daily oral hygiene and thereby your overall health.
We are confident that you will appreciate the feeling of clean teeth and fresh breath and will not want to miss out on this feeling in the future.