Eidg. dipl. Zahnarzt SSO | Praxis Dres. med. dent. Kasper | Seidenstrasse 6 | 8853 Lachen | Telefon 055 442 74 33

General Anaesthesia

We have a long standing experience working with general anaesthesia. With the help of a team of anaesthetists (www.narkose.ch) Dr. Schoenberg performs the dental treatment within our premises. In cases of medical restrictions it is to be preferable to use the facilities at the hospital at Uznach.

Dental treatment under general anaesthesia has to be evaluated and planned very carefully. Part of this is to first try less invasive methods of relaxation and sedation.

We are prepared to take our time.

Contact us by telephone
055 442 74 33

Monday - Friday
08.00 - 12.00 / 13.30 - 17.00 h